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Automotive engineer testing CAN bus with 2 Series mixed signal oscilloscope
Automotive Customers Find Improved Access and Collaboration in 2 Series MSO Remote Capabilities Wednesday, August 10, 2022
Cars have taken us where we needed to go for over a century. In that time, the industry has moved from one that focused on hardware and mechanical features, like horsepower and torque, to one that prizes features and functions primarily enabled by software, such as driver-assistance features and infotainment options. We find ourselves in the middle of a fast-moving transition to a future where software-defined vehicles (SDVs) are the norm, not the exception.
Engineer viewing an oscilloscope waveform on a laptop computer
Oscilloscope Software Enables Remote and Work From Home Options Monday, September 13, 2021
The trend of working from home is gaining more ascendancy each day in all industries. This is further being driven by the Covid-19 pandemic. Adopting a remote-based culture requires tools that are remote work-ready whether they are instruments like oscilloscopes or software platforms for collaborative work. Tektronix provides various future-ready tools for working with an oscilloscope remotely …
The Keithley 4200A System Prober
2 Ways to Remotely Control a Parameter Analyzer Thursday, June 3, 2021
Controlling instruments remotely has become a part of nearly every engineer’s and researcher’s life, whether by working remotely or combining instruments into large test systems. The Keithley 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer supports a few different methods of remote control optimized for each scenario. This blog introduces remote control using Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Connection and the Keithley …
Remotely Measure and Analyze 32 Oscilloscope Channels with MultiScope Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Remember in Power Rangers when each of the rangers’ mechs would come together to form the Megazord? We have a new software feature that functions similarly for our oscilloscopes.  On their own our 5 and 6 Series oscilloscopes can each have 8 channels. But if you connect four 8-channel scopes through our Multi-Scope software, you can view, control, and analyze data in real-time from 32 channels. 4 …
Remote learning for engineering students
How to Make the Most of Remote Learning in University Engineering Programs Thursday, November 19, 2020
Education institutions around the world are looking for ways to make the most of remote learning, and engineering programs are no exception. Typical electrical and computer engineering (ECE) courses utilize electronic measurement equipment to ensure students supplement their theoretical knowledge with practical experience. That experience isn’t just necessary for a well-rounded education, it’s …
working from home
Working from Home Tuesday, March 31, 2020
11 Tips for Staying Productive When Your Entire Workflow is Upended For millions, pajama pants just became your new work clothes and the dining room your new conference room. If you are like me, social distancing comes naturally, but advancing my work from home in separation from my team gets tricky. In these trying times, we're also reminded what “essential” really means for our community. Tami …
Anywhere, Anytime: Offline, Online and Multi-Oscilloscope Analysis
Anywhere, Anytime: Offline, Online and Multi-Oscilloscope Analysis Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Over the last decade, the ability to access an oscilloscope and its data remotely has become vital to completing development projects. Globalized teams including geographically dispersed design engineers, manufacturing engineers and, at times, suppliers continue to increase. For these teams to execute efficiently and resolve issues quickly, the ability to transfer and view the same data can be a …